For many years Halloween was my favorite holiday. I did – and still do! – love everything about it. The costumes, the parties, the candy! The spookiness of it all! Or is it the scariness??
On a walk through the woods the other day, I got to thinking about what spooky really means. And, is there a difference between spooky and scary? All this time I’ve definitely been in the camp that says, yes, there is a difference. But I couldn’t quite pinpoint it. Spooky gives me chills and scary makes me scream. Spooky could be something Real, such as a haunting old time photo of relatives long dead or that feeling you get that someone is watching you, while scary is Make Believe, what you see in a horror flick.
Upon further thought, I realized that many things that are scary ARE real: spiders (for some), a stranger following a little too closely, a near-miss car accident, an actual car accident…you get the picture.

Chandelier, just hanging from a tree. Kinda spooky.
So my theory goes out the window. I decided to look it up, here is what I typed in: spooky vs scary.
Spooky: eerie, or suggestive of ghosts or the supernatural
Scary: causing or able to cause fright

I think this piece of sculpture is both: spooky because it seems otherworldly and scary because if you came across it while walking through the woods, you might just jump a bit.
Another set of definitions:
Spooky is fun. Scary is not fun. (

A piece of artwork that is colorful and fun in real life; however, when looked at in a different light, a bit scary!
This might apply to stormy skies and thunderstorms. Stormy skies have a bit of spooky about them, and dare I say it, some excitement! Whereas thunderstorms are actually scary for many folks.
And what do you think of this old cabin:
Spooky and Scary! It could be something from an old time spooky movie, yet sometimes I am actually a bit afraid to go inside. Lucky for me, I have no reasons to go in. Unless someone wants a tour or look-see. In those situations, I just hand them the keys and say, “Have fun!”
I am beginning to think that my original theory is all wrong. Maybe Spooky is ok, the more harmless of the two; and it’s the Scary that ya gotta watch out for.
Thoughts, anyone? Happy Halloween!
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I think spookiness is mixed with some form of wonderment; reflection on ambiguity, awe of nature, etc.
An interesting thing I noticed. Someone dressing up as a crocodile for Halloween would not be counted as wearing a scary costume, at least not traditionally. But crocodiles are about the scariest animals on the planet.
But what animal is most associated with Halloween and seen as very spooky? The bat. Ever seen a flying fox up close? One of the cutest animals in the world. Put “bat eating banana” into youtube and you’ll see.
Now, to critique my own theory, crocodiles are also awesome. But there also prolific man-eaters.
Spooky seems to generally be more low-key.
Why is a bat so spooky? Because there’s an air of mystery to them. They flit through the night, seldom seen and much imagined. There’s a strong element of unknown.
What would it take to make Batman spooky? He also flits through the night. And to that I’d say, well, not knowing his M.O. would certainly help. Being a superhero, he fits too neatly in a story, as do most villains honestly.
What is the spookiest Halloween creature? A ghost. Again, the least threatening of the Halloween menagerie. They’re not here to feed on you, they’re not evil, but they take home the spooky prize. They are beyond this world. What fear they cause is the existential horror of either death or the ambiguity of your own perception. A presence that might be there that you can’t detect.