Hey gardening friends! For those of you who are spiritually minded, I have created a study group on the blog. I am rereading the Tao te Ching and writing down my thoughts as I go to try and make sense of it. If you want to follow along, that would be fantastic!
The text of this short little book is freely available here and there around the web, just do a bit of googling. Note that there are several versions. I am using the one translated by Stephen Mitchell and also one I found on online that looks interesting, here. And more recently, I’m working from a beautiful interpretation by Robert M. Jankel.
So, this is how it works: I post on each chapter as I go and if you would like to provide your own thoughts, the best way is to subscribe to my blog (link to do that on the right side and bottom of each page on the site). You’ll get all my posts (not just the ones on the Tao). The Tao posts generally come out on Thursdays. After you read that particular chapter on your own, leave a comment with your thoughts and we can discuss back and forth. Or, you can come back to this page and leave a comment as well.
As a summary, I’m keeping a running page with all the chapters, here. Our of respect for copyright, I cannot post the text of the Tao, only small excerpts here and there. So, you’ll need your own copy to read from. Hope all this made sense. Hope to hear from you!
January 2, 2019
Dear Woodland Gardener:
I have an unusual book that’s just been published. My book is called Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, An Intuitive Interpretation. Although there are a number of competent English versions of the Tao Te Ching on the market today, I believe because my work has two written interpretations side by side throughout with a third version of162 illustrations—this makes the work comprehensive and stands out from other translations and interpretations.
Should you be interested in taking a look at my book, it would be my pleasure to mail you a complimentary copy. I will, however, need a name and address, and I do need to mention that it may be some time before you would receive your copy.
I am a poet, artist and a former art teacher. My books are for sale at Amazon books under Robert M. Jankel and all 3 of my books will be there. You can take a look at the first 20 pages of my work.
Bob Jankel
Hello Mr. Jankel,
Thank you so much for getting in touch. I apologize for the delay in responding, and am very interested in the opportunity to read your book. I will email you shortly.
Do you have an online study group that study’s the Tao de Ching? After Dec7th , I would be interested in participating. If you don’t have an online study group, do you by chance where I can find one? Thank You Shelly
Hi Shelly,
I’m just doing my own informal study and inviting others to read along and comment on my posts with their thoughts. I’m sure there must be some formal groups out there but I’m sorry I can’t point you to any specific ones. Best wishes with your search. Thanks for stopping in and please feel free to come back anytime!
Dear Angela(Angel)
Thank you very much, Please forgive me are you on Facebook? I have been very busy at work and searching about this type of Study Grp.
I would like to try to follow. Do you announce the reading material that you will be reading and the group reads and comments? How does it work?
Best Regards,
Hi Shelly!
Yes, I do have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thewoodlandgardener/. It kind of mirrors what I post on the blog.
My study is very casual, not too much structure. Basically, I am reading each chapter of the Tao te Ching when I find time in my daily life (from your comment, I can tell you understand how busy things can get!). After reading, I will post my thoughts on the blog and invite others to provide their own thoughts. In that way, we can have somewhat of a dialogue in the comments. I’m not sure how to set up any kind of formal chat, so that is the best way I could figure out. You can see everything I’ve posted on the Tao here: https://thewoodlandgardener.com/tao-te-ching/.
If you are interested in participating, what you might do is, read each next chapter on your own and when I post you can present your thoughts in the comments. I am up to Chapter 14 right now and will post on that this coming Thursday.
There seems to be only a couple people that are reading along and commenting, and I heartily welcome you to jump in!
Thank You very much