Greetings, my gardening friends. Harvest has been meager this year and many things have failed. But(!), isn’t that just the way it goes sometimes as a gardener. Not every year is stellar. This year, rather than notating in my garden journal what I pick each day, I am photographing it and posting to my Instagram, here. To save you the trouble of clicking over, here are all the daily harvest photos to date. This captures almost everything (like i said, meager), with the exception of maybe a handful of cherry tomatoes, a couple of full-sized tomatoes, and one or two peppers that I grabbed spur of the moment for a recipe.
I have bean plants still trying to do something, squash filling out, and plenty of onions in the ground. Hope to show you photos of those when the time comes. Oh – and my herbs are killin’ it! Parsley, dill, basil, thyme, sage.
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