january garden activities

January 4, 2019

Yes, even in January. I am doing something relating to my garden every month of the year. This month has the shortest list and maybe the most fun activities:
january garden activities Some other things to consider doing this month:

  • Rake heavy snow off shrubs to prevent damage. Here is a good article that covers this: https://chatham.ces.ncsu.edu/2015/02/helping-trees-and-shrubs-recover-from-snow-and-ice/.
  • Use a high quality ice melter on ground surfaces, as salt can damage concrete and plants, especially needled evergreens.
  • To help you give your garden year round interest, visit local gardens and observe the winter habits of trees, shrubs and perennials, noting your favorites for future planting projects. Every year I resolve to do this, but never do!

Is your new year off to a great start?

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