…until it has taught us what we need to know.” Pema Chodron, Buddhist nun.
I read this quote recently and it struck a chord with me. Have you found this to be true in your own life? I will spare you the details, but there have definitely been some running themes in my life that seemed as if they were placed there to drive me bonkers. The more I go through life, the better able I am to recognize the patterns (at least I think I am…).
Now, whether I get the take home message and act on it is another story altogether, haha! Sometimes it’s easier to take the ostrich approach. But that gets ya only so far. Eventually the lesson must sink in.
Kind of like me giving up trying to grow broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. Tried it three years in a row, changing up the conditions and environment and methods each time for success, and still no dice. The take home for me was, I should stick to the things I am successful with. No harm in trying something new, but maybe those just weren’t my thing. Plenty of other veggies in the sea, right?
What are you thinking about today?
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