thoughtful thursday: autumn leaves are peeking out

August 15, 2019

I am starting to see signs of autumn. Leaves are just starting to turn around here, just a few. It has seemed to me that in recent years many people consider fall to be here when school starts, which seems earlier and earlier each year.

leaves beginning to turn

Leaves on this spirea plant beginning to change

Personally, I like to hold on to summer for as long as absolutely possible. After all, it doesn’t officially end until late into September. And if the weather is still warm, it is still summer for me.

fall landscape

photo courtesy of

I’ve nothing against autumn, it is such a beautiful time of year. Plus, Halloween and my birthday happen during the fall -so there’s that to love. The beginning of fall may be different for each of us, but it saddens me just a bit when summer is already written off and we are just halfway through August. What about places that do year-round school? What does their perception of the summer/fall changeover look like? Just curious.

What are your thoughts on this?

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