Welcome to another round of Thoughtful Thursday. Today, it’s time for chapter 17 of the Tao te Ching. This chapter puts forth some thoughts on leadership; specifically, that the most effective leaders are the ones who go unnoticed, as expressed in the first line of the Mitchell version:
“When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists.”

Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay
It goes on further to list the second best (loved), third best (feared), and last (despised) types of leader.
I feel that the point of this verse is to remind us that leaders who get in the way are not effective. Even the ones who may be loved by their people. Even that can interfere with the task.
The best type of leader can bring out the best in her people without overstepping. Kind of like a good orchestra conductor or movie director. In the end, their roles are all but invisible. It is not about the fame and glory of the leader, but more about a seamless final product and empowerment of the people she is leading.
What do you think?
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