Hello! How’ve you been? Safe and well, I hope. It’s been a long minute since my last post and in case you are still around and wondering…
The man and I have had an interesting year. In the midst of COVID-19, we were displaced from our house for five weeks (our choice and for a very happy reason, maybe it’s worth a post later), rearranged work schedules, helped family (both human and canine) with medical issues, celebrated our 15th anniversary, and acquired a greenhouse (yet to be installed).
What A Year.
So much going on, same as a lot of you I expect. Despite everything, I managed to get a veggie garden in and surprisingly, it thrived. Best garden to date, if I can be so bold to say so. It may look a bit messy, but there’s a lot of veggie action going on.
I did end up getting the weed situation under control- that’s what all the cardboard was for. In the fall, I overlaid it with straw, setting the garden up for a good start come spring.
Some highlights of the garden:
While overall the tomatoes were not the stars of the show this year, I did have one cherry tomato plant that produced over 400 tomatoes! I let it grow up on the 7-foot trellis and get as unruly as it wanted. In fact, this plant did so well, that I did a video on it.
Some new-to-me veggie plants did well. Green beans and watermelons! I’ve tried watermelons in the past, with no success. So happy with these little guys!
It was a personal goal of mine to learn how to pressure-can the harvest this year and I was set up to attend some classes, then the virus came along and canceled…everything. So, freezing and drying it was.
Over the winter I’m going to learn to can on my own, with the help of YouTube and books. I got a Presto pressure canner on Amazon at a great price. There is no stopping me now.
I feel like life has settled down a bit and it feels good to be back in touch. That’s all for now. Hope your year was peaceful and happy.
Signing off from the Woodland Garden.
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