
March 13, 2017

The sight of those red sprouts poking through the dirt is one of the best for me in all of gardening. Peonies are my favorite flowers and I live to see their blooms come May.

Peonies - just Wow!

I’ve been lucky enough to have some planted at most places I’ve lived since I became a gardener.

Peony blooms - aren't they just lovely?

I love them so much that I once almost turned down a free trip to Florida because the timing of it might have meant missing the peonies in bloom and I couldn’t bear the thought of waiting another whole year to see them.

Peony shoots - is there a better sight in all of flower gardening?

Are there any flowers that you guys are this nuts over?


  • Reply tippysmom2 March 14, 2017 at 8:39 pm

    Peonies remind me of my youth. Mom has always had bushes in her yard (pink and white) and people used to stop to ask if they could cut some blooms to wear for Mother’s Day. She would always let them. I really don’t have a favorite flower. I love them all, especially wild flowers in their native habitats.

    • Reply thewoodlandgardener March 14, 2017 at 9:02 pm

      Wildflowers are great! I can picture a meadow full of them, drawing in the butterflies and bees. I rarely see this type of thing now, although I remember such places from my childhood.

      • Reply tippysmom2 March 14, 2017 at 9:31 pm

        I love the hike around in the spring and see all of the flowers blooming. I’m so glad I live in an area where wild flowers are prevalent.

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