mum’s the word (or not…)

September 10, 2018

Those beautiful mums are just about everywhere right now. That being so, a couple years back I made the executive decision to stop buying mums as part of fall decorating. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the way they look – those gorgeous colors! However, I’ve run into a couple things that I don’t quite like and for me, mum’s the word no longer applies.

fall mums

One thing that drives me crazy is that they look so picture perfect at the time of purchase and for a short while after bringing them home. Then, THEN, even though I make the effort to deadhead the spent blooms, they don’t seem to ever really rebloom. And if they do, it is way later than I would prefer (ie not at the time I happen to be having a party or holiday gathering). Maybe the trick is to buy them the day of the party? That leads me to my next thing…

Mums seem to be a “disposable plant”. Around here the ones marketed with all the autumn things are not of the hardy variety. In my experience, this means that after that first flush of flowers is over, the plant is done, for good. In years past I have taken them in over the winter to use them again the following year and I have had success with that. But, that is space taken up by something that (to me) does not provide enough return.

fall mums

I am beginning to feel the same way about annual spring and summer flowers as well, even though they last quite a bit longer throughout the year.

All that is to say that I no longer use mums in my fall decorating. Do I miss them and the beauty they add to my fall garden? Yes! Will I bring them back in one day? Maybe. For now, I like the low(er) maintenance approach.

fall mums

I realize I am in the minority on this topic. If you have the answers that will persuade me to reincorporate mums into the fall garden, please do comment – I welcome all advice!

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