when you haven’t seen the sun for days…

September 12, 2018

Although it’s not official just yet, it feels as if fall has descended upon us this week. I think it was in the 90s last week and I had big hopes for the veggie garden to keep on producing. High temps this week have been in the 60s and the skies are gloomy.

gloomy skies on a late summer day

Not to mention the non-stop rain for days… I wanted to go into the veggie garden yesterday evening to pick the last of the tomatoes and was worried that the ground would be extremely soft and squishy. Not wanting to deal with that and expressing my concerns to the man, he said, “nah, it’ll be okay, it hasn’t rained today.” We have become accustomed to daily (literally continuous rain over the past weekend) that a day without rain is notable. I do dig the moody skies, though.

gloomy skies on a late summer day

A rainy day is sometimes nice for staying inside, warm and cozy, curled up with a good book. Or sitting in a screened porch while the warm rain comes down. Neither of those things is happening this week, but a good thing about all this rain is that the foliage is still very green.

green foliage in late summer

But, I would like to see the sun soon. She and I are tied together, as is everyone else with that magnificent life-giving orb. The gloom is making it hard for me to find the motivation to do my garden tasks (that list is here). And the rain is making it dangerous to do so (slip and fall risks…so, so muddy out there).

My intention with this post is to think of ways to put the pep back in my step, and here is what I’ve come up with:

  • I can look at the garden catalogs and nursery websites to choose some apple trees to plant later in the fall.
  • It’s really early, but thinking about a Thanksgiving menu makes me happy. So, there is that.
  • I can read the manual for my new leaf shredder, to learn how to use it – more on this in a later post.
  • I’m not much of a clothes buyer, but I did recently get some long needed new clothes in pretty fall colors. Wearing the new outfits will be fun.

What keeps your spirits up when the weather is gloomy?


  • Reply thriftdiving September 13, 2018 at 9:56 pm

    Hi Angela! Stopping over from Thrift Diving! 🙂 I’m with you on the “curling up with a good book” idea! This week has been gloomy here, but with that gloomy overcast day, we had a blast of cool weather that came in with the rain last weekend. And OMG…it felt soooo good curling up in bed, watching YouTube videos and just relaxing. Of course, I couldn’t TOTALLY relax because impending work was pecking at my subconscious. But it felt nice while it lasted. Now, it’s still overcast (I’m in Maryland and we’ll likely get some of Hurricane Florence’s weather) but it’s humid. But those few days of chilly temps got me excited for fall! Anyhow, I’m blabbing now. Hope you get a peak of sunlight soon too!

    • Reply Angela September 14, 2018 at 7:30 pm

      Hi Serena! Thanks for coming over to visit my blog. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you don’t get too much detrimental weather from the hurricane. It’s looking like a bad one and my heart is with those lives are touched by it. We did end up getting some beautiful sunlight all day yesterday and some today as well. It was sooo…. nice! Take care 🙂

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