ten lessons from the garden this year

December 10, 2018

We’re getting closer and closer to the new year and while we still have a few weeks left in 2018, I started thinking back on the things I learned from my garden this year – or was at least reminded of. Isn’t real life always the very best teacher??

Can you relate to any of these?

  1. Timing can often be everything – especially when it comes to veggie plants.
  2. Mother Nature wins, every time. And definitely when it comes to weeds!
  3. Stick with what works but don’t be afraid to try new things too!
  4. Sharing is one of the best things in life.
  5. Make good use of downtime (& open spaces).
  6. Be open to all advice, sifting through as needed.
  7. Have a plan but be flexible. Mother Nature has a way of changing things on the fly (see #2 above).
  8. It’s okay to get dirty.
  9. Sometimes you just gotta let it go…
  10. There is always next year.

Oh! if you read the recent post on my window sill herb garden, here is the promised update on how my seedlings are doing!!

I did end up having to place the pots on a heating mat to help the seeds germinate, after no activity for too long. Please ignore the dirty pots, that is what I get for buying white pots with no glaze/clear coating. I’ve been using these pots for quite a while now and they are showing the wear. But – they sit in a basket that hides the discoloring 😉

growing herbs on a heating mat

My herb garden is off to a great start now.

herb seedlings on the window sill

These heating mats are very inexpensive and SO helpful when starting plants from seed. I got mine on Amazon last year and it was a game changer when it comes to starting seeds.

Treat yourself to a Christmas gift that you may find very handy come spring, it will really help you get those tomato and pepper plants off to an early start!

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