i’m digging! this beautiful hawk that came to visit

February 8, 2019

This week I am digging what looks to be a red-shouldered hawk that perched on a tree branch just outside my window. Well…not “just” outside, more like 20-30 feet away. I did have just enough time to grab my zoom lens and snap a couple of photos through the window before she flew off.

red-shouldered hawk

Looks like she is clutching some type of rodent. I noticed that each of her legs has a band. Some searching turned up this website regarding a Red-Shouldered Hawk Study in Southern Ohio.

red-shouldered hawk

I wasn’t sure if this was one of “their” birds, but I went ahead and sent them the photos in case it is helpful. They got back to me and confirmed that it is a female red-shoulder hawk. Although they cannot read the numbers on her band, they believe she is one they banded in January 2018. They were happy to get the photos and had questions regarding exact location and any nests that are around. Pretty cool!

Have a great weekend!

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