august garden activities

August 2, 2019

Wow, can’t believe we are already into August! July seemed to fly by, as we were quite active. We hosted our annual cookout. This is one of the fun things we do in the summer. We invite family, friends, coworkers over for a summer feast. It’s always a good time, although as luck would have it, this year it was extremely hot, upper 90sF. Since we are mostly shaded here, it wasn’t unbearable.

We also spent a lot of time on our bicycles. Great way to get some exercise and fresh air, and just spend time together in sync, doing the same activity.

In the garden, July is kind of a maintenance month. Not much activity, just making sure it gets enough water and trying to keep pests and diseases at bay. August will bring some actual things to do –

august garden tasks

What is up in your garden?

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