thoughtful thursday: bean counting

September 12, 2019

I mean literally, counting beans.

I’ve expanded my bean growing this year and the plants have done really well. Probably my best crop this year, in fact. The beans that I’ve harvested, I’m going to dry and save for replanting next year. This way, I will build up my seed “collection”, meaning that I will be able to plant more and harvest more each year until I do not have to buy bean seeds from an outside source any longer.

Here is what I’ve harvested so far. There are still some pods on, ripening. It may not look like a lot, but I put in only a few plants, with the exception of the black turtle beans. Those I grew more of since I had more seeds on hand. And yes, I will actually count the number of beans when they’ve all been picked. Just to know how many were produced versus how many I planted.

bean harvest

The beans did so well, when the other things really faltered (weather, pests, etc), that I may end up making them the main thing I grow going forward. As a 99.9% vegan (I eat fish and dairy cheese a few times per year – no judging please, my belief is that you don’t have to be 100% perfect to make a difference), I consume a LOT of beans. This could work out well. Each year they will multiply. Of course, this means I will need to dedicate more growing space for beans.

So, I’m rethinking my whole approach to gardening. What are you thinking about today?

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