drought & frost

October 3, 2019

I’m not sure when lack of rain technically becomes an official drought, but it feels as if we are in one right now. Which is kind of strange, usually those happen during the summer. However, since the temperatures continue to be in the 90s here into October (we have broken record high temps here this week), weather-wise it kind of still is summer.

The outcome of the odd weather patterns we are experiencing is that (1) there is hope for the peppers and tomatoes still hanging on trying to ripen, and (2) some of my perennials look as if they are dying. Not just going dormant for the winter, but permanently dying.

Now, while I love the heat personally, I am a bit concerned about my plants. I’m trying to give them a good soak routinely, but in my experience, in these situations it can be often be difficult to provide enough assistance to overcome.

All that said, I am holding out hope for the perennials. At this point I would gladly lose the remaining veggies to save them. In a funny way of thinking about it, the veggies are the casual fling, there’ll be more of those next year. Easy to come by, just plant the seeds and tend them and they’ll grow and produce. The other plants are the long-term commitment – a lot of time, effort, and money have been spent over the years to acquire, plant, tend to them, to make the garden something very special.

And with all this, I am very curious to see when our first frost will happen this year. Usually occurs in mid-October. Gonna be interesting, if nothing else.

So, how’s the weather in your neck of the woods?

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