favorite gardening podcasts, pt 2

October 8, 2019

Way back in May I posted on my favorite gardening podcasts with the promise of more to come. That is where this post comes in.

In addition to my two top faves (A Way to Garden and The joe gardener Show), here are a couple more that I enjoy and find full of helpful information.

You Bet Your Garden

This one is hosted by Mike McGrath, produced out of Bethlehem, PA. All I can say is that this man is a true fount of gardening knowledge. He’s a very nationally recognized garden expert and YBYG is a public radio show that is also published as a podcast. The show takes the form of a classic call-in question and answer. I’ve very rarely seen Mr. McGrath stumped and believe me, he gets questions, problems, and issues presented by his callers that run the gamut from the common things that all us gardeners face to the most obscure things I’ve never even heard of. Also, he has a quirky sense of good-natured humor that I can appreciate.

you bet your garden podcast

Epic Gardening

This is a newer one for me. It’s hosted by Kevin Espiritu, out of San Diego, CA. His is a daily podcast, delivered in small doses. The episodes usually run anywhere from five to fifteen minutes. I like Kevin’s laid-back approach and appreciate the fact that he is a self-taught gardener, like most of us, and has learned so, so much just by getting out there and doing it. He often has guests on the show, experts in their various fields of study.

His own garden is on a very small, urban plot at a house that he rents (I think…). This presents its own challenges and I love to hear how he makes the most out of his space.

epic gardening podcast

That’s it for today. What podcasts are you listening to??

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