thoughtful thursday: hold on loosely

March 7, 2019

Just a short little thought this week. I’m up to chapter 9 in the Tao te Ching and those three words are a summary of its message, to me. To keep peace and serenity in your…

march garden activities

march garden activities

March 4, 2019

Ah, the month of Spring’s arrival! Here is what we are working on this month in our garden…it’s gonna be busy! What are you up to in your garden this month?…

grow light setup

i’m digging! grow lights

March 1, 2019

This week I’m digging this grow light setup that arrived a couple days ago. The man and I assembled it tonight – easy peasy. I’ve never used grow lights before and I’m excited to level up…

wheelbarrow full of dirt

thoughtful thursday: gardening as exercise

February 28, 2019

I’m sure you’ve heard, as I have many times, that gardening can be a great form of exercise, and maybe you’ve wondered how true that actually is. I’ve done some digging and have some information to…

seed packets for 2019 garden

seed starting time is here!!

February 25, 2019

It seems like I just put the garden to bed for the winter. And it still IS winter out there, technically. But, since it’s February, that means it is time to get the some of the…

thoughtful thursday: a set of rules by which to live

February 21, 2019

I’m not talking about the “Leroy Jethro Gibbs” type of rules. I am referring to Chapter 8 of the Tao te Ching. If you’re not into that kind of reading, stay with me. I think you…

bending tree quilt pattern

i’m digging! bending tree quilt pattern

February 15, 2019

This week I’m digging a new quilt pattern – Bending Tree by Ricky Tims. What better pattern for a gardener?! Ricky is one of my favorite online quilting personas. I’ve had the good fortune of attending…

thoughtful thursday: the ten thousand beings

February 14, 2019

The phrase “the ten thousand beings” is new to me. I’ve just recently read it in Tao Te Ching: An Intuitive Interpretation by Robert M. Jankel. If you are interested in the Tao, his book has…

preparing for seed starting

how to: sanitize seed starting containers

February 11, 2019

It is seed starting time! Seems like I just tucked the garden away for winter. Nevertheless, at least in my Zone 6 garden, this is the time to get a few specific things going. Namely, leeks,…

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