a very still august evening

a very still evening

August 18, 2018

Isn’t is so strange when the natural world around you is so very still? When the sound of the crickets and tree frogs are the only thing that seem alive. There is not even enough breeze…

how to: 8-ft garden trellis perfect for climbing plants

how to: 8 foot trellis for your climbing plants

August 13, 2018

Hi all! Earlier in the summer we built and installed an 8-foot garden trellis in one of our raised beds. I gave you a peek of it back in June. The idea is to use this…

harvest 080218

daily harvest to date this year (in photos!)

August 7, 2018

Greetings, my gardening friends. Harvest has been meager this year and many things have failed. But(!), isn’t that just the way it goes sometimes as a gardener. Not every year is stellar. This year, rather than…

hornet nest in one of our cedar trees

bald-faced hornet nest

August 6, 2018

We have quite the specimen in one of our trees right now. The man saw it while he was doing some string trimming and other sprucing for our cookout. He is way more observant than I…

french dirt book

book review: french dirt by richard goodman

August 5, 2018

I’ve spent this Sunday afternoon in the best way: finishing up a satisfying book while enjoying some shade outside in the garden. The book “French Dirt: The Story of a Garden in the South of France”…

tomatoes & peppers as fresh as it gets

good news from the doc & homemade tomato soup

August 2, 2018

If you read yesterday’s post, then you probably know I recently had a follow-up MRI on my spine to help determine if there is further degeneration due to MS. According to my doctor this morning, there…

watching the rain from the porch

rainy days

August 1, 2018

The rain is coming down hard and matching my mood today. My flowers and vegetable garden are loving it. I guess in a way, so am I. Rainy days are often the best, aren’t they? Especially…

2018 Summer Cookout @TheWoodlandGardener

our cookout was a success

July 30, 2018

As you may know if you’re been reading along for a while, we hosted our annual summer cookout this weekend. It was great! Here are a few photos of the setup. I lost track of my…

tao te ching study group

July 26, 2018

Hey gardening friends! For those of you who are spiritually minded, I have created a study group on the blog. I am rereading the Tao te Ching and writing down my thoughts as I go to…

Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco

time alone

July 23, 2018

I am sticking with my intention to read the book Simple Abundance throughout the year, more or less. I’m not diligent, but I do pick it up every few days and read the entry for that…

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