garden update

September 25, 2019

Greetings! How is your garden faring? Due to the warm weather we are still experiencing (yay!), the veggie plants are still going. Anything that was already on the vine is getting a chance to reach its full potential.

There are still a few tomatoes hanging on, and the peppers are still going. A few beans left to pick.

I lamented the fact that my tomatoes and peppers really failed to thrive earlier in the growing season. Aren’t those the most coveted things in the homegrown garden? However, the various beans have more than made up for it. I’ve picked a lot of beans this summer. I posted a bit on this a while back. There are still a few bean pods waiting and here is what I’ve picked so far. I’ve fallen in love with growing beans and now I understand why they have been referred as “the poor man’s jewels” or something like that.

freshly picked beans

I also lightly trimmed my sage plants after reading an article in Magnolia Journal regarding herb salts. I have an overabundance of sage…my three plants produce way more than I will ever use within a year. The idea of making a sage salt sounds very exciting, especially as we are coming into fall with all of its savory foods. Also, the process is very easy! I’ll definitely post again after the sage has dried and I’ve made up the salt. For now, here is the freshly picked sage, along with some bean pods.

fresh picked sage & beans

I’ve started bringing my houseplants back inside. Almost all of them spent the summer on vacation outdoors and it seems like they multiplied out there. Our house is not that big and I’m hoping to find places for all of them inside.

That’s the garden update for now. How are things in your garden?

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