green smoothie in a glass

my go-to smoothie recipe

November 26, 2019

Greetings! Are you still harvesting spinach or kale? If so (or even if you’re not!), I’d like to share my favorite green smoothie with you. I’ve been making this one for what seems like a couple…

december garden tasks

december in the garden

November 25, 2019

As we enter into winter next month, my mind is still on my garden. That is just how we gardeners roll. I’m looking ahead to my plan for December and here are a few of the…

dried crushed cayenne peppers

cayenne peppers, revisited

November 22, 2019

This week I am digging my little cayenne peppers, all over again. I had a really big harvest of them this fall, all from one plant. Here are some of them. I processed some of them…

metal kingly crown with plant growing

tao 19

November 21, 2019

Greetings! This week we are covering chapter 19 of the Tao te Ching. If you’d like some background on this little project of mine, please take a look at this page. Then come back here and join…

the old farmer's almanac 2020

book review: the old farmer’s almanac

November 19, 2019

For the first time ever, I bought the farmer’s almanac. You know the one, that famed book of gardening, weather, and folklore that has been around forever. Or at least since 1792, when it was founded.…

seasoned cabbage

seasoned cabbage

November 18, 2019

My new, go-to recipe for seasoned cabbage. As much as I would like to say I made this dish with my own homegrown cabbage, those brassicas still elude me. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage…I just have not been…

colorful shed

colorful shed

November 14, 2019

This week I am digging the fact that our work is finished – for this year at least – on our new shed. We worked hard over several sessions when the weather cooperated, to get it…

messy paints

tao 18

November 14, 2019

Welcome to another week of the Tao te Ching. We are looking at chapter 18 this week. I really don’t know what to say about this chapter. It seems as if it’s saying (in a nutshell),…

veggie garden covered in snow

garden update

November 13, 2019

Here is the garden update in a nutshell this week: The high yesterday was 26F. It’s not usual for us to get snow this early in the season and while it’s pretty, I hope it holds…

pumpkin pie

thanksgiving side dishes

November 12, 2019

It seems much too early to be planning for the Thanksgiving gathering, but it’s really not that early. Just over two weeks away. We do our big feast here on the Saturday after and the man…

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