There isn’t a whole lot to update you guys on this week. We are still waiting for the first frost. Last week we had what I would call an “almost frost”, meaning there was a very slight amount of frost on one window of one of the cars here. Nowhere else. So I’m not really calling that our first frost. Next month we will set out the bird feeders. We keep them out only during the cold months. There is…
our new garden shed
October 18, 2019This week I’m digging our brand new garden shed! The building part is finished and it just needs to be stained. I opted to do that myself, because (1) it saved us a chunk of money, and (2) I love to paint and will enjoy the process. If you’re on Instagram, come find me. I have a highlight reel of the whole “shed story”. Have a great weekend!…
garden update
October 16, 2019The veggie garden is looking pretty barren right about now. In fact, the only edible thing still out there is a little bit of cilantro. I’ve done some cleanup. We’re still waiting for first frost. I did plant some garlic for next year’s harvest, using bulbs from what I grew this past year. If you are interested, I did a whole post on how to plant garlic, here. What will be my next year’s harvest is tucked nicely into the…
colorful garden tools, pt 2
October 15, 2019A few weeks ago I posted on painting the wooden handles of some of my garden tools. This week I am working to make more colorful garden tools, specifically my tools with plastic handles. Paint was out of the question, I just don’t think it would hold up to the heavy use, wear and tear. So…I decided to wrap the handles with duct tape. Neon orange duct, to be precise. I do have a concern about how easy the tools will…
she-shed coming soon!
October 14, 2019Ok, part she-shed and part garden shed. It has long been on our plan to install a garden shed near the house. We have a (very small) barn at the far end of the property, which houses the riding mower and other larger tools. However, having some storage space closer to the house has been a dream of ours. Right near the veggie garden, where the tools and supplies are most needed. I even started a Pinterest board for sheds…
the big cayenne pepper harvest
October 11, 2019This week I am digging all these cayenne peppers! With the weather getting colder, I went ahead and plucked all the remaining peppers that were still on. That amounted to 1 bell pepper and 25 cayennes (from one plant)! I think if the hot weather had lasted and they could’ve stayed out there longer, they would’ve turned red. They should be fine all the same. There were also a bunch of unripe tomatoes that I went ahead and pulled off.…
garden update
October 9, 2019Not too much to report on the garden this week. I’m still picking the few tomatoes and peppers that are left. Our weather finally cooled off some and we got some rain! Other than that, a lot of cleanup is waiting for me, that I neglected this past weekend. Instead, we went to the Ohio Renaissance Festival for my birthday on Saturday. That was much more fun!…
favorite gardening podcasts, pt 2
October 8, 2019Way back in May I posted on my favorite gardening podcasts with the promise of more to come. That is where this post comes in. In addition to my two top faves (A Way to Garden and The joe gardener Show), here are a couple more that I enjoy and find full of helpful information. You Bet Your Garden This one is hosted by Mike McGrath, produced out of Bethlehem, PA. All I can say is that this man is…
drought & frost
October 3, 2019I’m not sure when lack of rain technically becomes an official drought, but it feels as if we are in one right now. Which is kind of strange, usually those happen during the summer. However, since the temperatures continue to be in the 90s here into October (we have broken record high temps here this week), weather-wise it kind of still is summer. The outcome of the odd weather patterns we are experiencing is that (1) there is hope for…
garden update
October 2, 2019The veggie garden is looking pretty barren these days. There are a few tomatoes and peppers hanging on. Meanwhile the leaves on the trees haven’t really started to change much, except for the tulip poplars and black walnut. Those trees are almost completely defoliated now. We haven’t had rain in what seems like (& actually is) weeks now. The ground is so dry. I’ve had to give some of my perennials good soaks here and there, especially the ones recently…