november garden tasks

november in the garden

October 28, 2019

I can’t believe November is here this week! Fall is certainly upon us now. Those cooler temperatures are here to stay, at least until the cold sets in. I’m enjoying the weather, even though I miss…

shed painting in progress

it’s looking good!

October 25, 2019

This week I am digging the progress we’ve made on getting our new building ready for the winter. Although I love painting and consider myself to be the resident painter here in our household, I couldn’t…

meditation on a rock

tao 15

October 24, 2019

I love this chapter describing the ancient Masters of the Tao. The descriptions in all three of the versions I am reading make them sound (to me) like a cross of Jedi, Mother Nature, the Buddha,…

blue jay at the feeder

garden update

October 23, 2019

There isn’t a whole lot to update you guys on this week. We are still waiting for the first frost. Last week we had what I would call an “almost frost”, meaning there was a very…

fall dog walks

fall walks

October 22, 2019

One of my favorite things about fall is the perfect walking weather. Fall walks are full of things to delight the senses. Changes in the sights and smells are the most obvious. Those lovely colors! And…

staining the shed

painting and shredding

October 21, 2019

Happy Monday all! We had a fantastic weekend. I am continuing to celebrate my birthday, every weekend during October. Because, why not? Not only did I have a delicious birthday dinner Saturday night with my family,…

garden shed

our new garden shed

October 18, 2019

This week I’m digging our brand new garden shed! The building part is finished and it just needs to be stained. I opted to do that myself, because (1) it saved us a chunk of money,…

boat on endless still waters

tao 14

October 17, 2019

Thank you to those who’ve expressed interest recently in the very informal study I’m doing on the Tao te Ching. All are welcome and invited to read this ancient book along with me and I would…

garlic planted in raised bed

garden update

October 16, 2019

The veggie garden is looking pretty barren right about now. In fact, the only edible thing still out there is a little bit of cilantro. I’ve done some cleanup. We’re still waiting for first frost. I…

garden trowel & orange duct tape

colorful garden tools, pt 2

October 15, 2019

A few weeks ago I posted on painting the wooden handles of some of my garden tools. This week I am working to make more colorful garden tools, specifically my tools with plastic handles. Paint was out…

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