dump truck full of gravel

she-shed coming soon!

October 14, 2019

Ok, part she-shed and part garden shed. It has long been on our plan to install a garden shed near the house. We have a (very small) barn at the far end of the property, which…

tomatoes and peppers

the big cayenne pepper harvest

October 11, 2019

This week I am digging all these cayenne peppers! With the weather getting colder, I went ahead and plucked all the remaining peppers that were still on. That amounted to 1 bell pepper and 25 cayennes…

balanced rocks

nothing is stable

October 10, 2019

Hi all! Today’s post is all about chapter 13 from the Tao te Ching. So, if you are just here for the gardening, no worries, feel free to scroll past. Of course, I would love it…

tomatoes & pepper

garden update

October 9, 2019

Not too much to report on the garden this week. I’m still picking the few tomatoes and peppers that are left. Our weather finally cooled off some and we got some rain! Other than that, a…

epic gardening podcast

favorite gardening podcasts, pt 2

October 8, 2019

Way back in May I posted on my favorite gardening podcasts with the promise of more to come. That is where this post comes in. In addition to my two top faves (A Way to Garden…

hummus, tomato, pickle sandwich

the. best. sandwich.

October 7, 2019

I’m a sucker for red pepper hummus, and I recently came up with what I dub The Best Sandwich. Not only do I get to use my fave hummus, but also my homegrown tomatoes. Without further…

owl hoarding pumpkins

pumpkins not mums

October 4, 2019

This week I am digging pumpkins! I’ve begun adding them to the garden. Even though it still feels like summer here. A recent trip to the market – what an assortment of pumpkins and gourds! You…

drought & frost

October 3, 2019

I’m not sure when lack of rain technically becomes an official drought, but it feels as if we are in one right now. Which is kind of strange, usually those happen during the summer. However, since…

tulip poplar leaves dropped

garden update

October 2, 2019

The veggie garden is looking pretty barren these days. There are a few tomatoes and peppers hanging on. Meanwhile the leaves on the trees haven’t really started to change much, except for the tulip poplars and…


october in the garden

October 1, 2019

October! The best month of all (not necessarily for the garden, just in general). Two reasons: Halloween and the birthday of yours truly. That said, there are things still to be done in the garden. Here…

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