sage and sea salt

how to: make sage salt

September 29, 2019

Having an abundance of sage growing in the garden, last week I harvested a few springs and decided that I would make some sage salt. An article on herb salts from the current issue of Magnolia Journal…

cayenne pepper plant

the little cayenne that could

September 27, 2019

This week I am digging this cayenne pepper plant. I cannot believe how many peppers are on this one plant. Here are some of them. I counted at least 18 still on and I’ve picked 5…

cottage garden

what is your garden style?

September 26, 2019

I’d love to do a full post one of these days on garden style. Is garden style something that is particular to an individual gardener? Can a gardener have more than one “signature style”? I’m inclined…

fresh picked sage & beans

garden update

September 25, 2019

Greetings! How is your garden faring? Due to the warm weather we are still experiencing (yay!), the veggie plants are still going. Anything that was already on the vine is getting a chance to reach its…

garden tools painted orange

how to: paint garden tools

September 24, 2019

I actually painted my garden tools this year! It was on my September garden plan. But in truth, it’s on my radar every year. That’s because I keep skipping this task and it rolls over to…

sun and wheat field

fall, officially

September 23, 2019

Today is the day! The autumnal equinox. Did you know that the word “equinox” comes from two Latin words meaning “equal night”? Today, the length of sunlight and darkness is roughly 12 hours each for most…

metal sunflowers

some fall inspiration

September 20, 2019

While I am whole-heartedly a summer person and hate to see it go each year, I do love the fall decorations. Such nice warm colors and all those textures! This week I’m digging the changes I’ve…

bean harvest

thoughtful thursday: bean counting

September 12, 2019

I mean literally, counting beans. I’ve expanded my bean growing this year and the plants have done really well. Probably my best crop this year, in fact. The beans that I’ve harvested, I’m going to dry…

september garden tasks

september garden activities – 2019

September 5, 2019

It’s not a Thoughtful Thursday this week, simply because my posting schedule has gotten off track. What I do have, is a list of the things I plan to do in my Zone 6 garden this…

fall landscape

thoughtful thursday: autumn leaves are peeking out

August 15, 2019

I am starting to see signs of autumn. Leaves are just starting to turn around here, just a few. It has seemed to me that in recent years many people consider fall to be here when…

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